I contacted environmental health and they said they weren’t honey bees, they were mortar bees. 17 votes, 69 comments. next, but what storyline(s) are you most … You may share the link to this excerpt, but please do not copy and paste the entire text and post it elsewhere. Sadly, that wonâ t be when the official release is, but that doesnâ t mean â ¦ In Deuteronomy 1:44, in the speech of Moses he says, I was pregnant with my first child 16 years ago in June (she was born in July). [Spoilers Published] Theory Title: Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone Any ideas what this might mean as the title of book 9 in the Outlander series? Little rhymes developed over the centuries specific to a particular region. Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone.... dailylines of the 9th book (continuation) by Diana Gabaldon This is a continuation of our original page for Dailylines.... To start where Diana originally posted, click here! I thought there was suppose to be a book 10. The title is based on an old celtic tradition. Go Tell the Bees That I am Gone will be out this year. I lived in a very old house and there was a swarm of bees in my chimney. These excerpts are from the upcoming ninth book "Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone", the OUTLANDER series of novels, which focus on Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser. The bees came back within a day or two. Fans of the Outlander television show will be pleased to find out that there's plenty more of Claire and Jamie's love story to come. Sadly, that won’t be when the official release is, but that doesn’t mean … They used something to smoke them out. Return to my official webpage for GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE for links to information and more Daily Lines (excerpts). But the title makes me wonder if 9 will be the last. We all can't wait to see where Outlander takes Claire, Jamie, Roger, Brianna, etc. The typical way to tell the bees was for the head of the household, or “goodwife of the house” to go out to the hives, knock gently to get the attention of the bees, and then softly murmur in a doleful tune the solemn news. In a tweet from late 2018, Gabaldon wrote that “Book 10 will be along summat later.” Michael Schaub is a Texas-based journalist and regular contributor to NPR. The title of book 9 is Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone won’t be the final book in the Outlander series. This was posted on DG website and several facebook outlander pages. According to Diana's site : "Talking to your bees is a very old Celtic custom (known in other parts of Europe, too) that made it to the Appalachians. Diana Gabaldon is still hard at work on Outlander Book 9, titled “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.” We don’t have a release date just yet, with Herself telling us that the writing should be finished by Christmas. Many thanks to Eva Noveczyk for the lovely bee photo! As taken from DG website: "Talking to your bees is a very old Celtic custom (known in other parts of Europe, too) that made it to the Appalachians. You always tell the bees when someone is born, dies, comes or goes—because if you don’t keep them informed, they’ll fly away." Diana Gabaldon has been posting passages of this new novel on her website, www.dianagabaldon.com , as well as on her Facebook and Twitter accoun ts.